donderdag 21 januari 2010

Evaluation of the Project

For this course, PO3 was really useful. In PO3, you start of with a theme, a goal or a feeling (the Briefing). Then you analyse the market, you target group and how do you want to sell the product (Media strategy). Afterwards imagine/invent a few crazy ideas to reach what you want to reach (Conceptual design). And finally, make your whole concept more concrete (Detailed design).
Early in our process it was clear that we wanted to make an entertaining project. But we weren’t really sure or concrete until the last two weeks of the course. We changed our concept two times and in the end, the briefing was still making sense for our current concept but that is not the case for the first media strategy (Handin in our blog).
We don’t think that we would change anything of our process. We didn’t rush anything; we wanted to test our ideas. Once we decided on how to proceed, our working speed was much higher and we had more drive. So we think that every step we did was needed and that none of them were bad for our process.
Other then our process, the use of a blog was quite unusual. At first, it was just considered to be extra work, but then again it was useful. Instead of having one person holding all the notes and progress of the group, the blog renders the share of information easy and quick. This more a comment on our “report” skills then our process but we could have updated our blog more often in the earlier phases of the course.
This course had a lot of “learning moments”, especially when it was concerning the interaction of a user with a media. We learned that we mustn’t underestimate the number of barrier in your project, even more so when you want people to cross between different medium.

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